F.A.Q - Frequently asked questions

Here you can find a list of frequently asked questions regarding the PlisWeb service. You can click on any of them to obtain the corresponding response.

General questions

What is PlisWeb?

PlisWeb is an online web site creation software, whose main strengths lie in its power and ease of use. The system not only allows the creation of sites, but also all the follow-up, thanks to the powerful incorporated statistical tools. On the other hand, the environment is so easy to operate that even a child can use it, and in fact they do.

Why choose PlisWeb?

Because it's easy, quick to use, flexible and very powerful. Unlike other online web systems, PlisWeb allows you to edit the website content to the smallest detail, and to add all sorts of elements and monitor visitor statistics without installing anything.

Who is it for?

PlisWeb is designed for any person or company wishing to have a professional website, at a competitive price, hassle free, editable at any time and from anywhere in the world, with powerful analysis tools and the ability to be indexed by web browsers.

Do I need computer skills to directly edit my site?

No. Our online editing application lets you modify all your website data in an extremely simple way. You can rewrite texts, change the style, colors, buttons, forms, distribution, etc. Basically you will be able to have a brand new site every time you want, and obviously with no additional cost.

Why doesn't work the editor?

There are several general steps to check that may help you solve the problem:
1 - Check that you have installed the latest version for the Adobe Flash Player. Download it here .
2 - Your browser may not support Flash content.
3 - Delete all cookies and temporary files on your browser.

What do I have to do so you create the site for me?

1 - Send us all the materials to be included in the website: domain name (eg mydomain.com), photos, addresses, texts, ideas, sections you want, etc..
2 - Do a bancary transfer to the account number that we will indicate you for the amount of the the deluxe plan.
3 - We will create all the web using the PlisWeb system and show it to you once finished. Then you can review the appearance and content to be finally satisfied with the result. (Please note that the visual idea will be part of us due to the limited service budget).
4 - The site will be done and ready for you to update the contents any time with the same plisweb editor, so you won't depend on us anymore.

Benefits and Features

Can I have a free website?

Yes. With PlisWeb you can have a 100% free site by using any name under our domain, such as: mysite.plisweb.com. To do it, simply create your site as usual and select the free option when necessary.

Can I modify my site at a time without having to contact you?

Yes. You can modify your site at any time, 24 hours a day and as often as you want with your user account.

Is there any limitation on the number of sections, photographs and text for my website?

The only limit is the total space available to create a website, depending on the selected plan.

Can I put a contact form on my website so that my visitors are able to send me mails?

Yes. You can add as many forms as you like to your website sections, so your visitors can send comments or questions directly from the site to the email address you choose.

Do you include some sort of advertising on the PlisWeb sites?

NO. All the PlisWeb plans are 100% advertising free and behave exactly like a real site, because they are real sites, identical to those that could create a specialized developer. Only the free websites will include a small link to plisweb on the page footer.

Could someone know that my website's been created with PlisWeb?

No. The PlisWeb sites source code contains no indication about being created with our software, so nobody can analyze it to find out what software created the site.

Prices - Payment - Billing

How much does this service cost?

The service has various plans, among which the possibility of having a website for free is included. See our taxes to get more information about the Premium option.

Are there any extra costs associated with the hosting or domain registration?

No. All the service plans include these supplements.

How is done the annual payment for the Premium version?

At PlisWeb we have different payment methods so you can choose the one that best suits your needs (Some may not be available for some countries).

What services are included in the Premium plan?

PlisWeb includes all the necessary services and tools so you can fully enjoy your website with the annual fee. The only cost that is not included with the annual price corresponds to the creation or modification of your site when it is done by our technicians, in case you request it.

What is the premium service?

PlisWeb Premium service is a customer plan that lets you have a fully professional website by paying a small annual fee. With this plan, our users enjoy a 100% full website, with more features and a proprietary Internet domain like 'www.mysite.com', ensuring everything that they need to be on the net. This service can be purchased when creating a new site or when upgrading from the user panel an existing free plan. Take a look at our rates for more information regarding all the benefits and prices.

Is the purchase of the domain included with the payment?

Yes. taxes include your requested domain in case it is available.

How I can delete the "Create a free web site" text from the footer of my site?

To delete this footer text you must purchase a PlisWeb premium service plan.

Search engine ranks

Do the PlisWeb sites get indexed by Google?

Yes. Being generated with standard HTML language, the sites created with the advanced PlisWeb software are fully accessible by all Internet search engines, ensuring its indexing and crawling.

Why doesn't my website appear on Google?

Generally, any new website takes several days or weeks before being found by Google or other web search engines. Considering that there's no technical difference between a PlisWeb site and the others, it is completely normal not to appear on search engines immediately. Still, there are several things you can do to accelerate this process and improve your search engine positions:

- Notify your url to search engines, as for example in: http://www.google.com/addurl/

- Publicize the site as much as possible: Blogs, Print Advertising, Internet advertising, positioning techniques ...

- Hire professional support for advertising and positioning.

I have created a site and I have few visits, What should I do?

Having an online website does not always mean that you are going to get visits. Everything depends largely on the site contents and the interest that the users may have on it. To boost the number of visitors you should promote the site by various methods: Printed Advertising, Internet advertising, gaining legitimate links, etc.

Domain name registration and hosting

What if I already own a domain?

If you already have a domain registered with any extension (.com, .es, .info, .org, etc...), we take care of linking your domain with the site hosted at PliWeb with no additional cost. You'll be enjoying the ability to register an aditional .com domain as part of our Premium service and thus have two domains for your website.

Can I transfer my site to another registrar / hosting?

No. The PlisWeb development environment is tightly integrated with our servers system to allow our users the outstanding performance and software usability, so all websites created with our editor can not work in other hostings. In any case, our main goal is that everything you need is available in our system, so you don't need to worry about anything ;)

Can I change the domain name once it is active?

Yes. To make this process please contact us. You'll only need to pay the cost for the new domain name you want.

Can I have more than one domain on a plisweb site?

Yes. To make this process please contact us. You'll only need to pay the cost for the new domain name you want.

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